Arun Rajasingh : The man with a 220lb leg

Arun Rajasingh aged 34 from Chennai in Southern India has been diagnosed with segmental overgrowth hormone and a rare genetic mutation that causes unequal growth of body tissues. This diagnosis was made two years ago when he was 32.

Source: Youtube

Arun’s leg currently measures 220lbs (100kg); making it more than five times the weight of a normal human foot. This extreme weight prevents him from leaving his home. He can barely stand up for a while so he even eats on his bed.

According to Arun, the biggest challenge he has is his inability to communicate with people outside. His greatest desire is to have a van and a wheel chair that he can use to go places. He hopes that a doctor can help him someday so that he can live a normal life and get back to his business.

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