Celine Dion Takes Musical Impression Challenges

The wheel of musical impressions is a game show featuring Celine Dion and her challenger, Jimmy Fallon, who randomly generates a list of songs for her to sing in the voice of the artiste who sang it.

Source: Youtube

There is going to be a musical impressions generator, which generates an artiste’s name and one of his or her songs for Celine Dion to sing. For example, there could be a random selection of Rihanna’s “Row, Row, Row Your Boat’ and Celine Dion will be expected to sing it just like Rihanna.

The fun about this is that nobody coming to the show knows what to expect. It is like a test and an acceptable act of impersonation. Watch the Wheel of Musical Impressions on weeknights 11:35e/10:35c. Apart from music, there will be other funny highlights including comedy sketches, celebrity interviews and ridiculous games. You will discover things you never knew about that your favorite musician, comedian or celebrity.

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