Sophi Green - The Girl who Uses Her Feet as Hands

Sophi Green is a 7-year- old Chinese girl who can also be said to be an American after being adopted by her American parents, Christianne and Jeremy. The family lives in Herriman, Utah, USA. She was adopted five years ago when she was only two.

Source: Youtube

At the age of two, the adoptive parents seemed to have seen how much Sophi would perform without her arms. She says she likes dancing because it makes her happy. Her parents say she learnt to use her feet herself and that she was never taught any of the adaptive measures she uses. She can eat, write and ride a bike without her arms.

Sophi is always positive. Despite the fact that she has no arms, she is able to do what other 7-year- old girls can do. She lives with seven other adopted siblings who also depend on the wheel chair. She has three other siblings who have no disabilities and help her with her needs especially when her parents are not around.

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